Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is GM too old and stodgy for it's own good?

Obviously, the state of our economy bothers me. Short of buying a private island and living off of coconuts for the rest of my life (which doesn't sound half bad), this economy is also something I can't avoid.

So now, a couple of weeks after the miracle bailout was passed, we find that it's not just Wallstreet that needs help - it's Detroit, too. Not that anyone is suprised. All those executives and analysts can blame outsourcing, global competition, rising costs, lead, Bush, the heavens's a bit ridiculous. In my opinion, the real problem is that companys like GM are too old and stodgy for their own good.

I see GM as the Ebineezer Scrooge of the American automotive industry. GM has been big, powerful and wealthy for a very long time. It's hoarded all of this wealth, filled executives' bank accounts and been in bed with Big Oil for too long. All the policy in the world can't protect them now - society is changing.

Truth is, a GM product is the last thing I want to buy right now. Although the allure of driving around in a 12-16 MPG vehicle in a world of $4 gas is enticing, I'd rather spend my money on things like organic carrots, my electric bill...and a 32 MPG Honda.

I think a lot of other people feel the same way. Even if everyone can't define sustainability, they are putting it into practice: turning lights off, walking to work or carpooling, buying food from local markets at a cheaper price. We're becoming nimble, and GM gas guzzlers just don't make sense anymore. As a result Ebineezer Scrooge is becoming a bit too passe. We have higher standards. We have to, if we want to beat the economic crisis.

In the long run, we could waste billions of dollars on GM if they don't shift their priorities. Invest in energy efficient technology, break up with Big Oil, earn back the American trust (and ultimately dollar). Realize that sustainability is more than just the pipe dream of a few old hippies, but the renewed mindset of America.

If I were GM, I'd be weary of the Ghost of Christmas Future in my bedroom this holiday season...

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